Sellers can be assured that buyers eligible for Federal VA financing are great buyers ready to go to closing.
Veterans have earned benefits that can greatly assist them when financing a home purchase. Qualifying for the loan is no different than qualifying for a conventional loan. Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation will issue a Pre-Approval to the Veteran to ensure a smooth transaction.
Although the appraiser is assigned by the VA, the methods used to evaluate the value of the home are no different than a conventional appraisal.
Veterans can acquire financing with a 0% down payment… this actually strengthens the transaction because the veteran will be able to hold more money in reserve to qualify or for items we all need after purchasing a home (furniture, drapes, appliances etc.). They have earned the benefit by serving their country.
Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation is a fully delegated Federal VA Lender. This means we make all decisions right here in the local market. Lenders like us process and underwrite locally to make sure timelines are met.
Veterans have earned the benefits offered to them. We feel honored every time we close a Federal VA Loan. Veteran’s returning home after serving our country deserve the help we can give them to purchase a home for their family.
Tags: buying a home, down payment, Home, Loan Officer, pre-approval, Purchasing, VA Lender, Veteran, WIMort, Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation
Categories: First Time Home Buyers, Home Buying, Homeowner, How to, Mortgage, Real Estate Tips, Shorewest Tips
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